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Welcome to the Denyer Family
Home Page!

Keep up with our exploits as we settle down to life as beachbums!

Have you ever wished you could live on the beach? Well we did and so we made it reality, will it be a success? Visit our web site regularly for updates on our progress.

View our pictures of us and our surroundings

A page really for friends and family who are keen to see where we are living and what our Chalet is like, but anyone is welcome to peek

The Denyer's Diary

Keep up to date with our trials and tribulations by visiting our regularly updated diary

Sign and View Guestbook

Unfortunately it has become necessary for me to delete the facility allowing people to sign my guest book due to the enormous amount of advertising links for porno, casino sites and medicines etc, you can still view old guest book entries though.  Its such a shame as I love hearing from people who have happened upon the site, but if you wish to comment please use the link and send me an email.

this is a link to view our guestbook

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please email us on webmaster@beachbums.freeservers.com
